Tami: Veteran, Professor, Breast Cancer Survivor

Meet Tami, or as her students like to call her, Dr. Link. Tami received her BSN from Bowling Green State University/Medical College of Ohio in 1984. After graduating, she joined the Air Force and moved to California where she served for 20 years in the USAF including two overseas tours.

While on active duty, Link completed her MSN in 1998, and 18 years later, she earned her DNP from Duke University. She has since been immersed in a full-time nursing faculty position at University of North Carolina-Wilmington. Link has held positions including medical-surgical nurse, labor and delivery nurse, and has held various nursing leadership roles.

A woman who wears several hats, Tami is also a breast cancer survivor, and graciously made a video recounting her experience for us.

Check out her video at this link!


Here’s to Heather!


Introducing Jen!