Food and Your Cancer Treatment

Sitting is the New Smoking - Impact of Sedentary Lifestyle
Exercise and moving your body for the recommended amount of 30 minutes a day is essential to your overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, not enough adults are incorporating physical activity to their daily lives which places them at risk for various chronic diseases. Exercises like brisk walks, jogging, biking, even stand up desks for working are various ways to include physical activity!

The Link Between Weight and Breast Cancer
The relationship between weight and breast cancer risk is both simple and complicated at the same time and it can be difficult to sift through all of the information online. Since weight management is one of the top five challenges many breast cancer survivors face long term, we have done all the research for you in order to simplify and break down the interplay between cancer and obesity and outline the risks and ways to change your lifestyle in order to avoid these risks.