Building Your Resiliency From Within

Guest Post: Written by Tiffany Cripps, MPH. Tiffany Cripps is the Managing Director of Health Begins From Within, LLC. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science and Wellness from Florida Atlantic University and Master’s Degree in Public Health from Florida International University. Tiffany’s experience includes delivering health coaching to diverse populations through corporate wellness initiatives. In addition, she has served as a personal trainer for various fitness facilities and has over 19 years’ experience in the field of Clinical Research and Clinical Trial Management. This unique combination of experience has led her to develop a passion for helping individuals see the importance of wellness prevention and lifestyle management. For more information on INTERVENT Lifestyle Management and Health Coaching Services offered by Health Begins From Within, visit INTERVENT | Better Health for Life™ ( or contact Tiffany directly at

I was once asked to pick one word that described me, and the first word I thought of was resilient. For me it has been the ability to get up and simply have a day. The ability to push forward despite setbacks and disappointments. The ability to process, accept and progress. This picture of the word RESILIENT was gifted to me. I keep it in my office as a daily reminder of the challenges that have turned into successes because of my resilience.

Resilient, such a powerful word with an even more powerful definition. Resilient is the ability to withstand or quickly recover from difficult situations and the ability to process and overcome hardships. The more resilient you are the easier it is for you to manage stressful times without relying on negative coping mechanisms.

The beautiful thing about resiliency is that it is a trait that can be learned by everyone. It involves thoughts, actions and behaviors that can be learned and developed. We all have the ability to demonstrate resiliency by maintaining a positive mindset and keeping everything in perspective as we navigate through challenging times such as adversity, tragedy, trauma, and major life events.  In this blog post we are going to discuss how to build your resilience from within.

Being resilient does not mean there will not be challenges or stress; however, when developing resilience, it truly is a shift in mindset. There is a shift from thinking that all challenging life events are damaging and stressful, to thinking that this is an opportunity for personal growth.

 Let’s take a look at four basic types of resilience (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) and break down how to build personal resilience in each of these areas.

Four Basic Types of Resilience:

Four Basic Types of Resilience

Figure 1. Understanding Resiliency 2022, INTERVENT

Developing physical resilience involves making sure that we are taking care of ourselves from a wellness perspective. Being intentional about taking care of your body, supporting healthy habits, and practicing selfcare. During stressful times good nutrition and getting enough rest tend to suffer. These are two very key components that help us to be able to manage stressful situations better. It is important to give yourself grace and take time to relax and recharge when necessary.

Emotional resilience is being aware of our feelings in the moment and being able to effectively manage them, so they do not become over whelming. It is important to keep things in perspective and maintain a positive outlook. It is very easy to fall into a pattern or negative thinking which can be detrimental to keeping motivation up and progress moving forward.

Cognitive or mental resilience is staying mentally focused during stressful times. It is helpful to think of this as mental fortitude. The ability strength that is found from within to face adversity.

Developing spiritual resilience is a very personal journey. It involves recognizing and connecting with a purpose and feeling a sense of meaning and belonging in our lives. When discussing spiritual resilience, it is important to highlight the importance of social resilience as well. Ensuring that you have built a strong support system and network for both the good and challenging times. Receiving quality support from friends and family.

10 Ways to Build Resilience

Remember, resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves feelings, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone. Here are some of the most common ways to build resilience. (Understanding Resiliency 2022, INTERVENT)

  1. Make connections with others. Staying connected promotes all four types of resiliency. Be comfortable asking for and accepting help. Assist others and you will also benefit.

  2. Avoid seeing challenges or crises as insurmountable problems. Change how you interpret and respond to events. Look beyond the present to a better future. Note positive feelings when dealing with difficulties.

  3. Accept that change is stressful and that it is part of living. Accept what cannot be changed and focus on changes that are possible.

  4. Establish realistic goals to move forward. Use tangible and non-tangible rewards to motivate yourself and reward yourself for progress.

  5. Take decisive actions to meet the demands of daily life. Resist inertia.

  6. Practice good self-care and self-discovery. Learn something new about yourself. Recognize and appreciate your personal strengths.

  7. Nurture a positive view of yourself. Develop confidence and trust your instincts. Practice self-reliance while also relying on others.

  8. Keep things in perspective. View stress in a broad context and try to keep a long-term perspective. Avoid exaggerating or making a catastrophe out of every stressful event.

  9. Maintain a hopeful outlook. Be optimistic and expect good things to happen. Visualize what is wanted rather than what is feared. Concentrate on being grateful.

  10. Become stress hardy. Keep your body fit and healthy to deal with stress. Pay attention to personal needs and engage in enjoyable, relaxing activities. 

Being mindful and intentional about incorporating the tips above into your daily routine will empower you to develop the resilience needed to overcome challenges of life that come your way.


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