Mindfulness and Meditation
A breast cancer diagnosis can be a frightening experience that brings out many emotions like fear, anger, hopelessness, and more. Learning how to cope with these feelings along with the additional stresses of treatments, appointments, finances, etc. is a big challenge. Anxiety and depression can be common among breast cancer patients and survivors especially with some treatments as they can be side effects of them. That is why researchers have been exploring the benefits of mindfulness/meditation and how it can be used as a helpful tool for stress reduction in cancer care.

Top 10 Best Bras Post-Mastectomy
When going through a mastectomy, the last thing you want to worry about is trying to find a suitable bra. That’s why we did some digging to take some of the weight off your shoulders. Having a comfortable and functional mastectomy bra can make for an easier recovery. From our research, we have determined these to be some of the best mastectomy bras, ranging from high-end to very affordable.