Greater R.E.A.C.H.
Patient Advocates Symposium
Resilient ~ Empowered ~ Aware ~ Connected ~ Hopeful

Going Beyond the Pink’s Greater REACH Symposium empowers survivor’s to extend their reach through expert guided patient advocacy training and tools, and provides opportunities to advocate for cancer patients and survivors. 

Whether you already are an advocate or you are planning to become one, patient advocates get the foundation they need to excel in their advocacy work through:

  • Empowered Advocate training & opportunities for patient advocates

  • Experiental learning about integrative therapies like yoga, tapping, drumming circles, mindfulness, meditation and so much more 

  • Expert-led conversations on key advocacy topics including: nutrition, intimacy, financial management, environmental toxins

  • Patient Advocate Alliance Poster Sessions

  • Roundtables & Listening Sessions w/ community groups, and regional & national organizations