Reiki and Energy Healing
Have you been looking into integrative therapy methods to reduce stress, lower your anxiety, and bolster your sense of relaxation? Reiki and energy healing may be able to help! Those that practice reiki deliver energy to your body using their hands to improve the flow of your energy to support healing while assisting in balancing your energy throughout your body. Reiki also works towards rebalancing the human biofield while building one’s resistance to stress and supporting self-healing methods. While reiki is considered part of the energy healing practice there are other systems of hands-on energy healing techniques that originate within different cultures, religions, long standing traditions from folk medicine, and from ancient practices. Some of these practices come from great ancient civilizations such as Babylonia, Egypt, India, Rome, Greece, and Assyria. Some forms of energy healing include reiki, acupuncture, touch therapy, chakra balancing, crystal healing, and aura cleansing. If you’ve been looking for a different therapy approach to coincide with your current cancer treatments it may be worth your while to look into reiki and energy healing.