Intimacy and Relationships

Our number one goal is to always help you feel empowered and supported, but it's no secret that breast cancer can cause emotional and physical changes. We know the hardship that follows suit with your changing body and the stress cancer puts on a relationship or family, but we're here to help!

Much like breast cancer journeys being unique, so is everyone's body. We hope you find this information helpful in how you speak to yourself.

Surgery may leave you with scars, weight gain may leave you with warrior stripes (also known as stretch marks), or chemotherapy may leave you with no hair. These are all a part of breast cancer, and while some effects might be temporary, it can still have an important effect on how you see your body. How you feel about your body may also affect how you relate to those around you, including a partner.

You may feel that you need to grieve over what's been lost, or you may need some extra time to adjust to your life and new body. Everybody is different when it comes to breast cancer and treatment, and we know that changes to your body can be extremely personal.

Helpful Resources


Sleep Hygiene

